We’ve just finished the new Porto Covo model, with some minor changes and a new look on the bottom.
We hope you enjoy.
“60Polegadas” (sixty inches) it’s a blog dedicated to all longboarders, who surf the city with the same style, smoothness and beauty of the old times, and they have just released the interview they’ve made with us.
An interview that comes with a challenge.
Read it untill the end at 60 polegadas (in portuguese).
Things we like:
Agnès Rosse exhibition “Skate qui sèche”
Bigode has just been highlighted on the great longboard blog 60 polegadas, from Brazil. Classic ride y mucho flow!! Check it out.
Working on two new orders for a Porto Covo model.
Boys and girls, it’s true.
Bigode – the World’s Best Designed Skateboards accordingly to our moms – has just been highlighted in the World’s Best-Designed Newspaper, the portuguese newspaper i.
Click here to read the interview (in portuguese).